Service Type Description (shipping to and from Brazil)
Service Type Description (shipping to and from Brazil)
All shipments to Brazil are inspected by the Federal Revenue Service. Due to varying customs clearance processes, the selected shipping mode may have an impact on the transit time.
You can send it using one of the services listed below:
Courier Clearance (Simplified)
Formal Clearance
Shipments of products originating overseas and destined for Brazil.
Taxes and fees apply.
Shipments of products originating in Brazil destined overseas.
Taxes and fees apply.
Consult the tables below for the rules and criteria for shipments with Courier Clearance (Simplified)
Shipments of products originating overseas and destined for Brazil.
Taxes and fees apply.
Shipments of products originating in Brazil destined overseas.
Taxes and fees apply.
Consult the tables below for the rules and criteria for shipments with Formal Clearance
Courier clearance on import applies to shipments with a customs value (CIF - value of goods, freight and insurance) of up to USD 3,000 for commercial items and/or resale, and there is a limit of USD 100,000/year to be used in this modality.
Courier clearance on export applies to shipments with a customs value (CIP/CIF) of up to USD 1,000, for shipping small volumes, usually without commercial purpose.
The Formal modality is ideal for companies that carry out sales and resales, for shipments with a declared value (CIP/CIF) greater than USD 3,000. It is necessary to hire a customs broker for customs clearance.
The Formal mode is ideal for companies engaged in sales and resales. For shipments with a declared value (CIP/CIF) exceeding USD 1,000, the Formal mode is mandatory. The hiring of a customs broker may be necessary for customs clearance in the destination country.
Product Type — Courier
Product Type — Formal
For this type of shipment, simplified clearance applies. These are shipments of small volumes, of low value, usually without commercial purpose.
For this type of shipment, simplified clearance applies. These are shipments of small volumes, of low value, usually without commercial purpose.
For this type of shipment, the importer must have RADAR and hire a broker to carry out the Customs Clearance process. It applies to:
For this type of shipment, the exporter can hire DHL to do the customs clearance or hire their own broker. It applies to:
Consult SISCOMEX to access the complete list of the Mercosur Common Nomenclature (NCM) of transportable products. |
Necessary Documents — Courier
Necessary Documents — Formal