Upload File Guidelines

File Guidelines for Mapping

Your file must be prepared according to these guidelines:

  • Required  – must be provided for each contact 
  • Recommended – complete address details are required during shipping process
  • Optional – fields can be left blank, but will help you save time when creating a shipment
  • Fields can be in any order

Save the spreadsheet as a CSV (Comma delimited) or TXT file. 

Field Required Optional Maximum Characters  Format Description and Tips Example
Name Required 35


First and last name
(do not use separators between names)
John Smith
Company Required 88 Alpha/Numeric/
Company name 
(if no Company name, enter the contact's first and last name again)
DHL Express
Nickname Optional 135 Alpha/Numeric Your unique name which can help you differentiate between duplicate names and multiple locations in your Address Book John at DHL
Email Address 1 Required 45 Alpha/Numeric/
Format: name@email.com jsmith@
Email Address 2 Optional 45 Alpha/Numeric/
Format: name@email.com jsmith@
Email Address 3 Optional 45 Alpha/Numeric/
Format: name@email.com assistant@
Email Address 4 Optional 45 Alpha/Numeric/
Format: name@email.com warehouse@
Email Address 5 Optional 45 Alpha/Numeric/
Format: name@email.com  
Phone Type Required 1 Alpha M - Mobile, H - Home, O - Office  M
Phone Number Country Code Required 6 Numeric Country calling code
(exclude any leading zero)
Phone Number Required 70 Numeric Numbers only, no spaces or punctuation
(exclude any leading zero)
Extension Optional 5 Numeric Numbers only, no spaces or punctuation 37
Fax Optional 70 Numeric Numbers only, no spaces or punctuation (exclude any leading zero) 2088188888
VAT/Tax ID Optional 35 Alpha/Numeric Country identifier used for tax purposes VAT123
Nickname 2 Optional 135 Alpha/Numeric Additional unique identifier to help you differentiate between duplicate names and multiple locations John Account Manager
EORI Number Optional 35 Alpha/Numeric Tax identification number EORI123
CNPJ/CPF Tax Type  Optional 35 Alpha Tax identification type  
CNPJ/CPF Tax ID Optional 35 Alpha/Numeric Tax identification number  
IE Tax ID Optional 35 Alpha/Numeric Tax identification number  
Country Optional 45 Alpha Country name United Kingdom
Country Code Required 2 Alpha Two letter ISO country code GB
Address 1 Required 45 Alpha/Numeric Address Line 1 3333 N. Main St
Address 2 Optional 45 Alpha/Numeric Address Line 2 #101
Address 3 Optional 45 Alpha/Numeric Address Line 3  
ZIP/Postal Code Recommended 35 Alpha/Numeric If the country has postcodes, then this information must be provided  TW4 6JS
City Required 45 Alpha/Numeric City name Hounslow
Suburb Recommended 45 Alpha If the country requires suburbs, then this information must be provided England
State/Province Optional 35 Alpha If the country requires state name, then please provide this information  
State/Province Code Recommended 2 Alpha/Numeric If the country requires state code, then this information must be provided: example California CA
Account Number – for Shipments Optional 9 Alpha/Numeric Account that should be charged by default 123456789
Account Number – Bill Transportation Charges To Optional 9 Alpha/Numeric Account that should be charged by default 123456789
Account Number – Bill Duties and Taxes To Optional 9 Alpha/Numeric Account that should be charged by default 123456789
Account Number – Bill Duties To Optional 9 Alpha/Numeric Account that should be charged by default 123456789
Account Number – Bill Taxes To Optional 9 Alpha/Numeric Account that should be charged by default 123456789
Customs Terms of Trade Optional 3 Alpha Also known as Incoterms DAP
Notes Optional 255 Alpha/Numeric Add notes about this contact – such as unique shipping needs and preferences (only be visible to you in MyDHL+) This account is for samples only. 
Reference 1 Optional 35 Any Characters Reference to be printed on the shipping label and billing invoice Sample Only - Not for Use
Reference 2 Optional 35 Alpha/Numeric/
Additional reference (does not appear on shipment documents); Only visible to you when you view details of a shipment in MyDHL+ Fabric #49 
Reference 3 Optional 35 Alpha/Numeric/
Additional reference (does not appear on shipment documents); Only visible to you when you view details of a shipment in MyDHL+ End of Day Delivery Only
Reference 4 Optional 35 Alpha/Numeric/
Additional reference (does not appear on shipment documents); Only visible to you when you view details of a shipment in MyDHL+