Delivery Services

Fast, convenient and versatile international time or day specific export delivery services – allow you to leverage our global reach and unparalleled local customs expertise.
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Delivered on Next Possible Day
End of Day
End of Day
Door to Door Courier Delivered
End-to-End Tracking Visibility
Proactive Delivery Notifications
Upon Request
Customs Clearance Facilitation
Delivery Management
Money-Back Guarantee
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Max Piece Weight
70 kg
25 kg
Max Shipment Weight
3,000 kg
Single Piece 25 kg
Max Piece Dimensions (LxWxH)
120 x 80 x 80 cm
DHL Provided Packaging
Max Pallet Weight
1,000 kg
Max Pallet Dimensions (LxWxH)
300 x 200 x 160 cm
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Drop Off
Delivery Worldwide
Delivery Major Business Centers
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Other Details
Dangerous Goods Accepted
Packaging Range 500 g- 25 kg, Cash or Credit Card
More About Delivery Services
More About Delivery Services
  • Service availability is based on shipment and destination. All services may not be available in all areas.
  • Not all Optional Services are available for every shipment or in every country.
  • Services are subject to DHL Terms and Conditions, and/or as set forth on the waybill of the country of origin.
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Import delivery services – supported by the strength of DHL’s globally standardized customs clearance practices and unparalleled local customs expertise.
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Delivered on Next Possible Day
End of Day
End of Day
Door to Door Courier Delivered
End-to-End Tracking Visibility
Proactive Pickup Notifications
Upon Request
Customs Clearance Facilitation
Delivery Management
Money-Back Guarantee
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Max Piece Weight
70 kg
25 kg
Max Shipment Weight
3,000 kg
Single Piece 25 kg
Max Piece Dimensions (LxWxH)
120 x 80 x 80 cm
DHL Provided Packaging
Max Pallet Weight
1,000 kg
Max Pallet Dimensions (LxWxH)
300 x 200 x 160 cm
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Drop Off
Delivery Worldwide
Delivery Major Business Centers
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Other Details
Dangerous Goods Accepted
Packaging Range 500 g - 25 kg, Cash or Credit Card
More About Delivery Services
More About Delivery Services
  • Service availability is based on shipment and destination. All services may not be available in all areas.
  • Not all Optional Services are available for every shipment or in every country.
  • Services are subject to DHL Terms and Conditions, and/or as set forth on the waybill of the country of origin.
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