Take Your Business Revenue Global

Thinking about exporting – but missing the resources or know-how to get started? Do you export currently – but want to take it to the next level? Together, DHL and the US Department of Commerce will help you increase your export success.
Whether you’re a startup entrepreneur or a driver of sales within a bigger organization, don’t miss all the current exporting resources available to you right now, free of charge.
DHL has partnered with the International Trade Administration (ITA), a specialized bureau within the U.S. Department of Commerce, to help you increase your exporting sales. ITA is staffed with experienced exporting specialists whose mission is to create prosperity by strengthening the international competitiveness of U.S. industry, promoting trade and investment, and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade laws and agreements.
Access valuable exporting resources, solutions, and business contacts that help you take your business revenue global!
  • Information and Counseling: Gain online resources and personalized counseling
  • Strategy and Planning: Develop and improve your international business strategy
  • Market Research and Due Diligence: Target the best international markets and evaluate potential overseas business partners
  • Advertising and Promotional Events: Increase your brand awareness and market exposure in countries around the world
  • Market Entry and Expansion: Find and establish relationships with potential overseas business partners
  • Advocacy and Dispute Resolution: Get help competing for foreign government contracts and settling payment disputes
  • Financing: Check out US Government international financing programs if you need working capital loans or if your foreign buyer needs financing to purchase your products
  • Insurance: Learn about insurance and risk mitigation policies offered by the US Government that cover export transactions and overseas investments
  • Grants: Discover US Government-provided grants for feasibility studies on infrastructure projects and training foreign business community and government officials on US business practices, regulatory reform and other economic development activities
  • Shipping Options: Review the four key options to ship your product overseas, with explanations and contact information for each category
  • INCOTERMS: Understand the language that guides commerce transactions globally. Review rules, usage and advice
  • The US Schedule B System: Learn about Harmonized System codes and the US Schedule B system
  • Tariffs and Import Fees: Find helpful information dealing with determining tariff rates on products and import fees to your target countries
  • Common Export Documents: Get guidance in understanding the various common export documents that must accompany export shipments including Shipper’s Export Declaration, invoices, packing lists, Certificate of Origin and other documentation
  • Export Licenses: Learn when you need an Export License and from whom in order to ship your products from the United States
  • Foreign Standards and Certification Information: Understand which foreign countries have their own standards and import certification requirements on product standards, certification requirements, electricity regulations, packaging and recycling laws and quality expectations
  • Economic Sanctions: Learn how the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) at the US Department of Treasury enforces Economic Sanctions on specific countries based on US foreign policy and national security goals, which are set forth by Congress
  • Regulations and Legal Considerations: Know which pertain to your products and find online resources to guide you in export preparation
  • Basics of Trade Data: Understand common terms and concepts
  • US import and export statistics: Identify which resources can help you flag the most promising countries to target, including detailed comparisons of Trade Stats Express (International Trade Administration) and USA Trade Online (Census Bureau)
  • Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Abroad: Learn what constitutes intellectual property and how to protect your rights domestically and internationally. Receive guidance on how to file patents, trademarks and/or copyrights in the US and abroad
  • Advocacy for Exporters - Fair Access to Foreign Contracts: Help ensure a fair bidding process on a foreign contract with the Advocacy Center
  • Problems with Dumped or Subsidized Imports: Understand the options available to you under US unfair trade laws, including assistance with the petition process, the documentation necessary for a petition, and review of petition draft to help ensure it meets requirements for investigation
  • Addressing Unfair Foreign Government Subsidies: Find out who can answer your questions on foreign subsidy practices and what tools are available to stop unfairly subsidized imports from hurting your business
  • Foreign Trade Remedy Investigations: If you find yourself facing a foreign government’s trade remedy (e.g., antidumping, countervailing duty or safeguard) investigation of your exports to that country, find out which agencies can answer your questions and deadlines you must follow
  • Foreign Technical Barriers to Trade: Link to free, web-based email subscription service offering you opportunities to review and comment on proposed foreign technical regulations that can affect your access to international markets
  • Trade Assistance for US Firms and Workers: Understand your rights and be aware of existing US policies and programs that ensure fair competition and provide transition assistance to affected workers
  • Reporting Trade Barriers: Get guidance on how to file complaints with appropriate agencies if you believe your company’s exports or foreign bids have been, or may be adversely affected by a trade barrier or unfair business practice
As the world’s leading international shipping specialist to exporters spanning more than 220 countries and territories, DHL is proud to partner with USCS to connect more US businesses to the global marketplace. Export specialists from the USCS are available across 100 US cities and 80 countries to support the President’s National Export Initiative. To speak with a USCS Agency Representative, call: 1-800-USA TRADE (1-800-872-8723).
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