What’s New with MyDHL+

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Our login process is changing
We will be migrating existing users over to our new login system over the next few weeks. During this time, you will be asked to log in to MyDHL+ and then again into the new system. If you have cookies running for MyDHL+ on your computer this will be the only time you will have to login twice. If you do not use cookies, then you will be asked to login twice during this migration period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause during this time.

To optimize shipment clearance speed and efficiency, customs regulatory authorities around the world are automating systems and increasing requirements regarding shipment information accuracy – in particular, goods descriptions and customs invoice details. They are transitioning away from printed documentation and want to receive shipment information electronically into their systems instead.

What this means to you

  • One of the most important things you can do to help your shipment through the customs security screening and clearance process is to ensure you accurately describe your shipment items (goods/commodities) when creating shipments in MyDHL+

What MyDHL+ is doing to help

We’ve introduced new features to help you provide accurate item descriptions and submit your shipment information electronically to customs authorities!

Faster Customs Clearance
Customs Invoice Tips

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