常见问题 – 关税与税金

  • 所有类型的货物(包括礼品、样品和修理货物)都要经过目的地国海关规定的进口清关程序。货物将根据货物类型、原产国、价值和数量以便完成清关。
  • 应税货物需要缴纳海关关税,其性质属于一种对跨越国境的国际货物征收的税金。



  • 关税与税金是基于标签(或者运单)和海关文件上的信息收取的-特别是快件内容,申报价值和重量。
  • 关税与税金的收取只适用于发送到欧盟以外的区域,并不是所有的货物都收取关税。


The online retailer has an agreement for DHL to deliver items ordered online.
  • 关税和税费通常都不会含在网购价格中。
  • 网购商品时,其中的部分或全部可能来自于其他国家。
  • 如果货物未在国内(贵国境内)或单一关税同盟(如欧盟)内运输,则您有责任支付当地海关当局认为适当的任何进口关税和其他税款。
  • 为了确保DHL派送员能在货物到达您的国家或关区后以最短的时间完成递送,DHL会为您向海关垫付货物应收的关税和税费。
  • DHL只有在您付清了由其垫付的关税和税费后才能完成货物的派送。

Although you ordered and purchased the goods online, the goods are still subject to an import procedure to clear the shipment through customs. Clearance depends on:

  • The country of origin
  • The value including transport charges
  • The quantity of goods

Each country has its own customs laws and the duties for different types of goods and values are set locally. DHL, like any other international transportation company, must adhere to local customs legislation and so DHL pays duties on the receiver’s behalf to clear shipments on arrival.

You will not be paying to DHL any further shipping costs. Rather, you will be asked instead to pay customs duties, taxes and other import charges related to customs clearance in your home country, as per local regulations.
所有类型的货物(包括礼品、样品和修理货物)都要经过目的地国海关规定的进口清关程序。货物将根据货物类型、原产国、价值和数量以便完成清关。 如果您的礼品价值超过当地海关规定的特定金额即需要缴纳关税。
Every country has limitations for imported goods that are used for personal use. This is to avoid misuse, and to distinguish imports for personal and commercial use.



  • 进口关税
  • DHL预付款和其他清关附加费
  • 可能产生的监管费用