Create an Upload Option

Creating an upload format allows you to select fields from your files and map them to our address book fields. Then when you're ready to upload contacts in the MyDHL+ Address Book, you can access your saved upload format via Upload My File.

  • Data fields in your file can be in any order 
  • All required fields must be selected in order to map successful

Prior to selecting and mapping fields:

  • Get familiar with contact fields
    • Check out an existing MyDHL+ Address Book contact to see how the data appears, what data is associated with fields
  • Do a quick comparison! You can quickly export a contact in your address book and use as a reference. You’ll be able to: 
    • See the field column order
    • See how date is formatted, in case you need to make modifications to your data/fields

Prepare your file:

  1. Enter a Name for the new upload format
  2. Provide delimiter(s) that will be used in the file for upload
  3. Begin mapping:
    • Select a field name from the drop down 
    • Use the up and down arrows to reorder fields if/as needed
    • Click Add to insert a field line after the current field
    • Click Remove to remove the field on that line
  4. Double check to see if all Required fields have been selected
  5. If you want other optional fields included, be sure they are selected
  6. Click Save  


  1. Select a Name 
  2. Make changes:
    • Edit delimiter(s) that will be used in the file for upload
    • Change field name in the drop down 
    • Use the up and down arrows to reorder fields if/as needed
    • Click Add to insert a field line after the current field
    • Click Remove to remove the field on that line
  3. Double check to see if all Required fields have been selected
  4. If you want other optional fields included, be sure they are selected
  5. Click Save  

If you encounter any issues with creating or editing your upload format:

  • We’ll provide specific information for you to update the fields.
  • And if you need assistance, we’re here to help! Contact us at: +223-20231587