Importer Parts List
Complete required details

An importer's parts list is used to identify U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) codes for the part numbers that are included on the Commercial Invoice.

Parts List Requirements:

  1. The file uploaded has to be provided as an Excel file or text format.
  2. Include the importer's Employer Identification Number (EIN) or other identification number provided by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS).
  3. For each part name listed, include the correlating part number, a good description, and full 10 digit HTS code.

Please complete the form below to provide DHL Express with a parts list to keep on file for Customs entries.

Importer Details
Please complete the following fields.
Upload the completed document

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Click the button, find and select your .pdf or .zip file (only one file may be uploaded, limited to 3MBs or less). Click Open and then you will see the selected file name in this form.
Note: Attachments are removed when the form generates an error message and must be uploaded again after error correction and before submitting a claim. Failure to provide supporting documents will delay processing.

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