Complaint? Compliment?

Talk directly with General Management, send us your comments

Understanding how you feel about the service you’ve received – good or bad – is vital in helping us shape our business to serve you better.
  • At DHL Express we are committed to providing great quality service and we strive to get it right first time, every time! Occasionally, however, our service does not live up to the high standards that you’ve come to expect from us.  If this is the case, our management wants to hear your complaints first-hand.
  • Of course thousands of customers rely on DHL every day for their delivery needs and if we’ve really impressed you, we’d like to hear about that too!
Krists Ezerins, Managing Director
"The customer's opinion is a way that helps us to constantly improve, so it is also important for me to hear and listen to your opinions"
Thorsteinn Thorsteinsson Customer Service Manager
“The true measure of customer service excellence is how we react when things go wrong.”
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