Delivery Services

Fast, convenient and versatile international time or day specific export delivery services – allow you to leverage our global reach and unparalleled local customs expertise.
Express 9:00
Express 12:00
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Delivered on Next Possible Day
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
End of Day
End of Day
Door to Door Courier Delivered
End-to-End Tracking Visibility
Proactive Delivery Notifications
Upon Request
Upon Request
Customs Clearance Facilitation
Delivery Management
Money-Back Guarantee
Express 9:00
Express 12:00
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Max Piece Weight
30 kg
70 kg
70 kg
25 kg
Max Shipment Weight
300 kg
300 kg
3,000 kg
Single Piece 25 kg
Max Piece Dimensions (LxWxH)
120 x 80 x 80 cm
120 x 80 x 80 cm
120 x 80 x 80 cm
DHL Provided Packaging
Max Pallet Weight
1,000 kg
Max Pallet Dimensions (LxWxH)
300 x 200 x 160 cm
Express 9:00
Express 12:00
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Drop Off
Delivery Worldwide
Delivery Major Business Centers
Express 9:00
Express 12:00
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Other Details
Dangerous Goods Accepted
Packaging Range 500 g- 25 kg, Cash or Credit Card
More About Delivery Services
More About Delivery Services
  • Service availability is based on shipment and destination. All services may not be available in all areas.
  • Not all Optional Services are available for every shipment or in every country.
  • Services are subject to DHL Terms and Conditions, and/or as set forth on the waybill of the country of origin.
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Economy Select
Door to Door Courier Delivered
End-to-End Tracking Visibility
Proactive Delivery Notifications
Upon Request
Customs Clearance Facilitation
Other Details
Dangerous Goods Accepted
Max Piece Weight
70 kg
Max Shipment Weight
1,000 kg
Max Piece Dimensions (LxWxH)
120 x 80 x 80 cm
Max Pallet Weight
1,000 kg
Max Pallet Dimensions (LxWxH)
300 x 200 x 180 cm
Drop Off
Delivery Major Business Centers
More About Delivery Services
More About Delivery Services
  • Service availability is based on shipment and destination. All services may not be available in all areas.
  • Not all Optional Services are available for every shipment or in every country.
  • Services are subject to DHL Terms and Conditions, and/or as set forth on the waybill of the country of origin.
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Import delivery services – supported by the strength of DHL’s globally standardized customs clearance practices and unparalleled local customs expertise.
Express 9:00
Express 12:00
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Delivered on Next Possible Day
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
End of Day
End of Day
Door to Door Courier Delivered
End-to-End Tracking Visibility
Proactive Pickup Notifications
Upon Request
Upon Request
Customs Clearance Facilitation
Delivery Management
Money-Back Guarantee
Express 9:00
Express 12:00
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Max Piece Weight
30 kg
70 kg
70 kg
25 kg
Max Shipment Weight
300 kg
300 kg
3,000 kg
Single Piece 25 kg
Max Piece Dimensions (LxWxH)
120 x 80 x 80 cm
120 x 80 x 80 cm
120 x 80 x 80 cm
DHL Provided Packaging
Max Pallet Weight
1,000 kg
Max Pallet Dimensions (LxWxH)
300 x 200 x 160 cm
Express 9:00
Express 12:00
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Drop Off
Delivery Worldwide
Delivery Major Business Centers
Express 9:00
Express 12:00
Express Worldwide
Express Easy
Other Details
Dangerous Goods Accepted
Packaging Range 500 g - 25 kg, Cash or Credit Card
More About Delivery Services
More About Delivery Services
  • Service availability is based on shipment and destination. All services may not be available in all areas.
  • Not all Optional Services are available for every shipment or in every country.
  • Services are subject to DHL Terms and Conditions, and/or as set forth on the waybill of the country of origin.
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Economy Select
Door to Door Courier Delivered
End-to-End Tracking Visibility
Proactive Delivery Notifications
Upon Request
Customs Clearance Facilitation
Other Details

Dangerous Goods Accepted

Max Piece Weight
70 kg
Max Shipment Weight
1,000 kg
Max Piece Dimensions (LxWxH)
120 x 80 x 80 cm
Max Pallet Weight
1,000 kg
Max Pallet Dimensions (LxWxH)
300 x 200 x 180 cm
Drop Off
Delivery Major Business Centers
More About Delivery Services
More About Delivery Services
  • Service availability is based on shipment and destination. All services may not be available in all areas.
  • Not all Optional Services are available for every shipment or in every country.
  • Services are subject to DHL Terms and Conditions, and/or as set forth on the waybill of the country of origin.
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Speedy domestic delivery services – means your shipments are in good hands.
Express Domestic
Delivered on Next Possible Day
End of Day
Door to Door Courier Delivered
End-to-End Tracking Visibility
Proactive Delivery Notifications
Upon Request
Money-Back Guarantee
Express Domestic
Max Piece Weight
70 kg
Max Shipment Weight
3,000 kg
Max Piece Dimensions (LxWxH)
120 x 80 x 80 cm
Max Pallet Weight
1,000 kg
Max Pallet Dimensions (LxWxH)
300 x 200 x 160 cm
Express Domestic
Drop Off
Express Domestic
Other Details
More About Delivery Services
More About Delivery Services
  • Service availability is based on shipment and destination. All services may not be available in all areas.
  • Not all Optional Services are available for every shipment or in every country.
  • Services are subject to DHL Terms and Conditions, and/or as set forth on the waybill of the country of origin.
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Our industry focused business delivery services are designed for companies to leverage the power of DHL’s extensive global network, standardized operations and established customs relations – all while saving time and costs.

Transportation of Time and Temperature-Sensitive Shipments

DHL picks up Medical Express goods, such as investigational medicine and clinical supplies. We carefully deliver them to your laboratory, clinic or hospital for research and analysis.
Faded waves
Prepare Ambient, Chilled or Frozen Package
Select DHL Express Service
Shipment Inspection
Clinical Shipment Picked Up and Monitored
Biological Customs Clearance
Delivered by DHL

Insulated package with chilled contents being prepared for shipping

Medical Express Qualified Goods

DHL manages the transportation of time and temperature-sensitive shipments for the Life Science industry.
Medicinal Products
Investigational medicines tested during clinical trials
Clinical Supplies
Supplies used by Investigators to conduct clinical trials
Patient Specimen
Samples obtained from patients sent back to laboratories for analysis


Medical Express Details

This is an ideal solution for businesses that need a tailored program to support clinical trials based on the combination of the trial duration, geography and volume of goods to be shipped. DHL Medical Express provides everything your company needs to transport sensitive goods safely.
  • DHL offers ambient, chilled and frozen temperature options with a range of Thermo Packaging and provisions of dry ice as needed.
  • Our employees are qualified to handle biological substances and ensure compliance to local, regional and IATA regulations.
  • Shipments are reviewed by in-house customs clearance experts and centrally monitored throughout the export and import process.
  • The globally standardized DHL Express network of aircraft and vehicles ensures the earliest deliveries.
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