Foreign Trade Regulation
Kurze Erklärung |
30.2(d)(2) |
Sendungen aus den USA oder Puerto Rico in die folgenden US-Gebiete: Guam, Amerkanisch Samoa, Wake Island, Midway Inseln, Nördliche Marianen, Kanton und Enderbury Inseln |
30.36 |
Sendungen nach Kanada |
30.37(a) |
Commodities from one USPPI to one consignee on a single export carrier, classified under an individual Schedule B/HTS commodity classification code is $2500 or less † |
30.37(b) |
Tools of trade and their containers |
30.37(e) |
Air shipments of goods for which no export licenses or ITAR exemptions are required, transported in bond through the United States. Except goods sent in bond from a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) require the filing of an EEI. |
30.37(f) |
Export of technology and software as defined in 15CFR part 772 of the EAR that do not require an export license |
30.37(g) |
Shipments to foreign libraries, government establishments or similar institutions of books, maps, charts, pamphlets and similar articles for their exclusive use. |
30.37(h) |
Shipments authorized under License Exception GFT (Gift Parcels and Humanitarian Donations) 15 CFR 740.12 of EAR |
30.37(i) |
Diplomatic material/pouches and their contents |
30.37(k) |
Shipments of interplant correspondence, executed invoices and other documents of company business records from a US firm to its subsidiary/affiliate. (Does not apply to highly technical plans, correspondence, etc that could require license) |
30.37(o) |
Shipments of aircraft parts and equipment; food, saloon, slop chest, and related stores; and provisions and supplies for use on aircraft by a U.S. airline to its own installations, aircraft, and agents abroad, under EAR License Exception AVS for aircraft and vessels. |
30.37(q) |
Temporary exports, except those that require licensing, whether shipped or hand carried, (e.g., carnet) that are exported from and returned to the United States in less than one year (12 months) from the date of export. |
30.37(r) |
Goods previously imported under a Temporary Import Bond for return in the same condition as when imported including: goods for testing, experimentation, or demonstration; goods imported for exhibition; samples and models imported for review or for taking orders; goods imported for participation in races or contests, and animals imported for breeding or exhibition and goods imported for use by representatives of foreign governments or international organizations or by members of the armed forces of a foreign country. Goods that were imported under bond for processing and reexportation are not covered by this exemption. |
30.39 |
Special exemptions for shipment to the US armed services for their exclusive use. Does not apply to articles that are on the USML or controlled by ITAR or shipments not consigned to the US armed services but are for their ultimate use |
30.40(a) |
Special exemptions for certain shipments to US Government agencies and employees of office furniture, office equipment or office supplies for their exclusive use |
30.40(b) |
Special exemptions for certain shipments to US Government agencies and employees of household goods and personal property for their exclusive use |
30.40(c) |
Special exemptions for certain shipments to US Government agencies and employees of food, medicines and related items for their exclusive use |
30.40(d) |
Special exemptions for certain shipments to US Government agencies and employees of books, maps, charts, pamphlets and similar articles for their exclusive use |
Correspondence |
Interpersonal Correspondence to only apply to shipments where the Restricted Access Destination optional service applies |
† Does not apply to shipments requiring an export license/permit, sent for storage in CA but ultimately destined for a third country, of rough diamonds or commodities controlled by USML of ITAR.