Declarations Definitions (on Customs Invoice Templates)









  • すべての貨物
  • すべての発送国・仕向国
I/We hereby certify that the information on this Invoice is true and correct and that the contents of this shipment are as stated above.
NAFTA 北米自由貿易協定(NAFTA)は、米国・カナダ・メキシコの3か国間が合意した関税障壁を排除する目的で締結された協定です。 I hereby certify that the goods covered by this shipment qualify as Originating Goods for the purposes of preferential tariff treatment under NAFTA.



I/We hereby certify that the information on this document is true and correct and that the contents of this shipment are as stated above. The exporter of the products covered by this document declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of <ORIGIN COUNTRY> preferential origin.
CITES  CITESとは、絶滅のおそれのある野生動植物の種の国際取引に関する条約(通称ワシントン条約)で、1975年に発効された政府間の国際協定です。特定種の商業利益目的の輸出入および使用にはCITESの許可が必要です。 I confirm the content of this shipment is not made of leather parts of animal species protected by the Washington Convention.



I/We hereby certify that the information on this document is true and correct and that the contents of this shipment are as stated above. The exporter of the products covered by this document declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of <ORIGIN COUNTRY> preferential origin. With reference to the above shipment, I confirm the content of this shipment is not made of leather parts of animal species protected by the Washington Convention.


I/We hereby certify that the information contained in this invoice is true and correct and that the contents of this shipment are as stated above. The exporter of the products covered by this document (customs authorisation No ...............(1)) declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, these products are of .......................(2)(3) preferential origin.


ロシアへ課税品を輸出または輸入する際、使用する必要があります。 Our company guarantees that the shipping goods are not military related or goods of multiple application and don’t break the law of Russian Federation “About State Secret, copyrights and intellectual property”. / Наша организация гарантирует, что данный товар не является товаром военного назначения или двойного применения, и не нарушает законодательство РФ «О государственной тайне, об авторских правах и интеллектуальной собственности». Под меры нетарифного регулирования не подпадает.

Our company guarantees that a content of exported goods is not related to violation, pornography and fascism.
Наша организация гарантирует, что экспортируемая нами видеопродукция (DVD, CD, видеоплёнка, другие видео носители) не содержит сцен насилия, фашистской пропаганды и порнографии.

The company declares that the information mentioned above is true and correct.
Компания «______________________» несет полную ответственность в соответствии с Российским законодательством за информацию, предоставленную в данном Инвойсе.